Environmental Action on Thetis Island, BC, Canada
    Although Thetis Island is remarkably fortunate in being, still, a relatively "unspoiled" environment, we are also part of the larger world, and each of us, every day, makes decisions that either contribute to reducing the burden on the planet, or increasing it. This page is here as a place to post ideas, links, notices, suggestions, and commentary related to evironmental concerns.

    Please help us to keep this page current and useful. Contribute to it by email or phone (Veronica at 246-1509) or in writing to TINet, Box 6-15, Thetis Island.

Interesting Links on Environmental Topics Information on-line about Climate Change

Books about Environmental Concerns
These titles are linked to information about them, but most are also available from the Regional Library

Green Shopping

  • SPUD: "Small Potatoes Urban Delivery" - on-line groceryshopping , especially organic produce. Normally they deliver in the Victoria area, but if enough people here want to co-op, they will deliver as close as Chemainus.
  • Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd In Errington on Vancouver Island, does conversions of existing vehicles to electric, provides conversion kits, and sells some electric commercial vehicles.

Local Activities to take part in

  • Chemainus Biodiversity Education Project - a biodiversity education pilot project aimed to raise awareness and develop educational materials for local schools (including Thetis and Kuper). Everyone is welcome.
    Some related information:
    - a letter from the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, about the Chemainus Biodiversity Education Project
    - Media release, April 21, '07: "Pilot biodiversity education project coming to Chemainus"

Comments, Blogs, Notices

If you have any comments, suggestions, additions or deletions, please contact us.

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